Saturday 7 September 2013

What happened to 2012?

I think we are in need of a photo donation or two of Wayne's wonderful fancy dress and all the general shenanigans in order that we may have a historical record of events.

All donations welcomed...

Monday 29 August 2011

Sunday 28 August 2011

Friday 26 August 2011

Curry tastic!

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Thursday 25 August 2011

Wednesday 24 August 2011

Looking a little scary?


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Limpet lust...

Anyone know if I should freeze the limpets live? Or drop into boiling water for a few seconds to kill but not cook? Or cook them for the alleged 2 mins needed and then drop into my curry once re thawed? The girls and I also got a haul of muscles.... I'm guessing they will stay alive in the fridge until Sunday?

Well done on the crayfish haul Agents 1 and 2 by the way! Good result!

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Tuesday 16 August 2011

Clam Cull

It seems from this that low tide is the only time for collecting the clams with any success. So who's up for another trip to the beach to try and avenge our pride?

Hit the title Clam Cull to see threads of info on the subject or hit below

Saturday 13 August 2011

2 x Pigeon & Samphire Quiche.

Made from...

Samphire scavenged during failed Holkham Beach razorshell hunt by Andrew, Simon & Duncan

Marinated Rocklands pigeon breasts (Steve's wood and Duncan's walnut tree),

Eggs from Alice & Rupert's bantams (Winkle & Dr Snuggles)

Homegrown hothouse toms from Simon's parents.

Mmmm, salicornia...

Secret ingredient. Other than a splash of Bordeaux.

Wednesday 10 August 2011

Ensis update

One more for us to try :))


Friday 5 August 2011

limpet pools

Huntresses and gatherers, Mac has suggested a foraging day next week; shellfish (not freshwater), molluscs, at a beach of your choice. Anyone got ideas for crab fishing? We are away the 15th, and will collect French boar and myrtilles.
A rounded Artemis

Sunday 24 July 2011

Hunter Gatherer 2011 - The date is set!

Rocklands African Hunter Gatherer 2011. The date is set! Sunday 28th August. Bring your assagais and shields and the usual home produced food and drink. Has Kong got any sloe gin left?

Saturday 16 April 2011

Friday 8 October 2010

Excellent, great fun. Haven't had a drop of alcohol since. I must YouTube the brief vid that I took. Certain ingredients may need to be carefully airbrushed out on a scene-by-scene basis.

Does anyone have any media-friendly pics that could be used to support a potential story in Breckland Voice? Steve seemed to have a lot, but I only took about 10 on a real camera.

Andrew - how much do we owe you towards the ale casks? Also what happened to the rabbits anyway, did they make it to HGs or did you Kentucky fry them?

Monday 4 October 2010

Third Annual Hunter Gatherer accomplished!

Well done to the hosts, chefs, cooks and children of the Rocklands Hunter Gatherer community. Another successful year of pursuing, cultivating, rummaging, harvesting, cooking and merry making. Hope you are all enjoying a well earned rest.

Photos are eagerly awaited by all.

Thursday 30 September 2010

Puddy tat

Grannie wouldn't like it!!!

Beer arranged! :)))

Can anyone collect tomorrow between 12 and 4.45pm from Wolf Brewery, rookery farm, besthorpe NR17 2LD? 3 x boxes to collect.

Wednesday 29 September 2010

Nina has the following if anyone fancies a loan. Good ideas therein. "Apple-dappled liver slivers" look tasty... I could do with a couple of extra pigeon portions for ingredients please Andrew.


YouTube Video

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Body sections

There is much tucker dotted around in the freezers of Rocklands so if people are needed chunks of eddible matter then just yell and collect for your own preparation.

Cooking methods and items needed

As the event is getting closer....

Can we indicate what methods of cooking anyone is intending to try?

Obviously, cooking at home is one option - but this may mean we need to keep some things warm.

Cooking with fire and bbqs is also an option... but we may need several bbqs or large pans etc..

I'll start a list on the right hand side of the blog entitled COOKING ITEMS / IDEAS .  Please list any utensils you can bring for cooking and keeping things warm....

Slow cookers, hostess, bbq, firepits, brassiers etc

You keep on knocking, but you can't come in....

With the wabbits on strike we like the Flying Solo also drew a saddening score. In fact Flying Solo did better than the wabbit men of the east!

The wabbit men of the east however, did not stop until a grand total of several ducks and pigeons were dispatched!

Please note no animals were harmed or injured during the dispatch process.

Well done all including Flying Solo! A good effort and we are certainly able to hold our heads high.

Unlike the trout, who we should perhaps shoot as a matter of course, given their dislike of Flying Solos hook!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone which might be better at flyfishing than Flying Solo...

Just some of tonights dispatch

Tuesday 28 September 2010

The Final Result

Unfortunately I have bought dishonour upon the hunter gatherer tribe. Sore feet, an aching back, blisters on my right hand (from casting!!) and one lonely trout in the fridge...A fine specimen did grace my net this alvo, however being of the spotted brown variety had to be returned alive and not bashed on the head! So without enough trout to give everyone a healthy portion I will be offering a small amount of trout pate instead....

In light of todays events I feel it inappropriate that I should be known in the future as the Flying Fisherman, perhaps you could come up with some suggestions--Flying________?

Monday update.

Happy to do wabbiting tonight at Bungay - and can probably be there for 8pm. I have the Roadblock rifle too.

However, one reasonably-sized skinned/gutted - and humanely culled - Muntjac was bartered from a friend in Ellingham and this is now in the Roebuck barn. Shot on Friday and is well-covered so won't be frozen between now and HGs.

The Tally so far....Down the Mere

Only one in the net so far....home for lunch returning shortly with a new strategy. Optimistic a few more will succumb to my dry fly or bobby dazzler this afternoon.

Wabbit War - Armageddon time in Bungay

Just a quicky, tonight is a possible for wabbits at bungay. To get there takes 45 mins.

Who can make this eve? If we go tonight....

At what time can people arrive in Bungay - or be ready to leave Rocklands?

Monday 27 September 2010

Collection duties

Is anyone available who might be able to collect this evening?

Sunday 26 September 2010

Jammin - comments welcomed youzlot...

Following last years tribal drum session....

I wondered if we might have a jammin session of some sort, or a small competition....

My thought which is as always a drifting one, was that (try to keep up)

I just spent 30 mins trying to play "Happy Birthday"
on my electrosonic damp detector...
(practicing for Steves 21st)
- gave up at 31 mins
self suggestion
yes practice
then I can play anything
electrosonic damp detectors are not the only odd instruments around
we all might invent more
then add a prestigeous award for the oddest
and given enough wierd as hell instruments
we could have some tunefull fun

Melodius and inventive

which nicely is anagram

Um a deviled inventions

Well I thought so... anyway

What say all youzlot?

Is this a wicked thought - just click here on the post title

Perhaps we could have a fantastically large chicken stew?

We Meat Again

Another willing victim, collected by ChrisA. Disturbingly Duncan turned up limping like Frankensteins monster after a karate bout in wellies, clad in pristine labcoat, and sporting a lamp on his head. It all brings to mind The League of Gentlemen .
He left with extra stains...we are getting a little too good at this.

Saturday 25 September 2010

McArthurian foods

To reassure Marion and Steve that it will not just be a fest of gore, this is what I aim to bring:

Rabbit and red wine casserole
Small parcels filled with fish and nameless crustaceans
30 rolls, maybe more if I have time
Some shrubbery (depending on salad still left)
Beurre-though not homemade
Cream (the same, I have no cow)
I should have time to make an apple chutney
Walnut and plum tart
And booze

I have to offer walnuts:-though they are still lightly ripe, apples, some chard. Anyone have onions? J, can a borrow some eggs, as my six ladies are on strike?

Friday 24 September 2010

Impromptu swift half

Swift meet to talk meat and fish and guns and knives at 7.15 tonight... Chat over any dates for hunting n gathering etc

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Saturday 18 September 2010

4 x pigeons tonight from Steve's wood.

Tuesday 14 September 2010

Gorgeous Gatherette Agglomeration

Sorry ran out of gs.
It is about time the Gatherettes gathered to very soberly equate food and guest numbers. I am a little miffed at being a hunter's widow touts les temps. I suggest a Wednesday or Friday evening. If we desire the most lovely Kong to be present, we need to act soon-this week even. Any votes? Welcome to be mine, as long as you ignore the cobwebs.

Sunday 12 September 2010

VENI VIDI...we collected roadkill

Thanks to the mystery driver who dispatched Bambi on the Shropham road some time after 9 pm on Sunday. He's in good hands now...

Saraheophonics Salad Supplies

The Goods have the following salad supplies for Hunter Gatherettes' culinary requirements:-

Potatoes, gerkins, cucumbers and tomatoes.

Collect gerkins and cucumbers a.s.a.p. as no good to freeze.

Looking forward to the first Gatherette Gathering coming soon.

Sassy's foraging menu access

I'm officially connected. Thanks wabbit man!

Bungay wabbits

A weally good wesult fwom the wabbits. Elmer and Fudd both happy with technique so twy again at SBs fowest vewy soon!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone coz I'm sad like that